Record your music, podcasts, voiceovers, and more with professional recording equipment in our acoustically treated space. Treatment provided by GIK Acoustics.
Field Recording
Achieve a studio quality recording outside the studio. We carry a Universal Audio Mobile recording unit to all field events. In-Ear monitoring packages are available upon request. Acoustics packages are also available upon request.
Book a rehearsal slot and experience the space for yourself. Full backline available. Please refer to the equipment list and give your engineer 24 hours prior to your session to have the equipment ready.
Lesson Program
(No longer enrolling)
Your personalized musical journey awaits! We provide lessons for vocals, piano, guitar, bass guitar, drums, mandolin, dobro, and much more! Learn your instrument, and record it all in the same place.
Mix your projects with our skilled and knowledgeable engineers through a calibrated system. Our engineers have experience spanning across many genres and are well prepared to get your project up to par with modern audio standards.
Post Production
Let us assist you in post production with our award-winning sound design, foley, and FX artists. Post production can be done remote or in-house. Film scoring available upon request.